Simon Wood

Posts Tagged: crime

SAVING GRACE has been out a few weeks so I thought I would clue you in on some of the background.  The driving force behind the book is how the media can be manipulated by internal and external influencers.  Don’t worry the book isn’t a fake news rant but I was inspired by real world events over the last decade.  MYSTERY FANFARE asked me to write something for him, so please enjoy The Flexible Truth.

Please leave a comment on the blog.  And if you’ve not read the book, maybe it’s time to pick it up…

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With the release of my latest SAVING GRACE, Amazon is doing a number of promotions to support the book.  You can pick up a bunch of my titles on the cheap so why not take advantage.  This is what is on the docket:

PAYING THE PIPER: In the forerunner to SAVING GRACE, The Piper is the infamous child kidnapper. When the Piper selected crime reporter, Scott Fleetwood, to chronicle his latest kidnapping, Scott thought he had the world in his grasp, but he held nothing. Now, eight years later, the Piper’s back, with very specific targets in mind—Scott’s children. He can have them back as long as he can pay the ransom, but it’s a ransom not measured in dollars, but in blood.

Just £1.00 at Amazon UK

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY: Zoë and Holli’s Vegas road trip goes wrong when they’re abducted. Zoë escapes leaving Holli behind. A year later and still tortured with guilt, Zoë latches on to a murder that eerily resembles her abduction. Her attempts to find justice for Holli brings her to the attention of the “Tally Man.” For him, she is not a survivor but simply the one that got away.

Just $1.99 at Amazon

DECEPTIVE PRACTICES: Do you have a cheating spouse? Has counseling failed? Want to get even? Then hire Infidelity Limited to teach them a lesson. That’s the pitch Olivia Shaw bought into. When her husband is killed, she discovers that Infidelity Limited is far more dangerous than she ever believed. Now the prime suspect in her husband’s slaying, she has only one option—take down Infidelity Limited.

Just $1.99 at Amazon

NO SHOW: Englishman Terry Sheffield has just arrived in San Francisco to start his new life with Sarah, the investigative journalist he married after a transatlantic love affair. But Sarah never shows up at the airport… When Terry reports his wife as missing, the police chalk it up to a new bride with cold feet. Then one murdered woman after another turns up, all with something in common: they had exposed scandals just before their deaths…and their names appear on a list that Sarah composed. As a journalist, Sarah’s exposed her share of scandals, and Terry realizes that she’s not missing—she’s on the run. To find her before the killer does, Terry must explore the dark recesses of his new homeland and rely on the help of some new friends. But as his search brings him closer to finding Sarah, Terry realizes she’s very different from the woman he thought he married.

Just $0.99 at Amazon

If you’ve not tried any of my books before this might be the place to start.  For my long time readers, I hope you’ll continue to support my books and me.  Please as always share this post and share often.  Thanks for reading.

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I’m happy to announce the arrival of my brand new thriller, SAVING GRACE, the follow-up to PAYING THE PIPER.  I know Piper is much cherished by readers so I hope people will like Grace as much.  The story this time around goes a little this:

Former reporter Scott Fleetwood and his family are still recovering from the aftermath of tangling with the notorious kidnapper, the Piper, when another kidnapper grips the city. The Shepherd announces to the San Francisco Independent that he has snatched a young girl from a vacationing family. Other than money, he has only one other demand—he’ll only talk to Scott. The request brings in Special Agent Tom Sheils and his team to work the case and watch over Scott. The Shepherd promises the girl’s safety as long as Scott follows the rules of his game. Forced to trail the kidnapper’s twisting lead—and haunted by a previous victim he failed to save—Scott is desperate to keep the past from making a brutal comeback.

But just when Scott and Sheils think they’re winning and that it will all be over soon, the Shepherd ups the stakes. Scott begins to realize he’s a pawn in a scheme that runs deeper than greed…and colder than death.

The book is available as a paperback, ebook, audiobook and audio download. You can find it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible and iTunes.  For store links and an excerpt from the book, Just go to the SAVING GRACE book page.

I sincerely hope you’ll pick up the book.  And please, please, please post review and tell family, friends and enemies to buy the book.  Because if you don’t buy it, I can’t write the next Fleetwood-Sheils installment, DOUBTING THOMAS…  😛  😉 😎


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T’is the season and I have a couple of early Christmas presents in the shape of a couple of bargain books.  Here they are and I hope you jingle all the way to bookstore.

ACCIDENTS WAITING TO HAPPEN: Someone is out to kill Josh Michaels. An SUV runs him off the road and into a river. As his car goes down, the SUV’s driver watches only to calmly give him the “thumbs down.” This is only the first of the attempts. With his time—and maybe his luck—running out and no one willing to believe him, Josh had better figure out who wants him dead and why…before it’s too late.

Just $1.99 at Amazon.

NO SHOW: Englishman Terry Sheffield has just arrived in San Francisco to start his new life with Sarah, the investigative journalist he married after a transatlantic love affair. But Sarah never shows up at the airport… When Terry reports his wife as missing, the police chalk it up to a new bride with cold feet. Then one murdered woman after another turns up, all with something in common: they had exposed scandals just before their deaths…and their names appear on a list that Sarah composed. As a journalist, Sarah’s exposed her share of scandals, and Terry realizes that she’s not missing—she’s on the run. To find her before the killer does, Terry must explore the dark recesses of his new homeland and rely on the help of some new friends. But as his search brings him closer to finding Sarah, Terry realizes she’s very different from the woman he thought he married.

Just $1.99 at Amazon.

TERMINATED: Gwen Farris crossed the wrong coworker when she gave Stephen Tarbell a poor evaluation. That was all it took to push Tarbell over the edge. He already believes Gwen stole the promotion that was rightfully his. He won’t let her take anything else from him. Now it’s his turn to take…and take. By the time he’s finished with her, Tarbell plans to take her job, her family—even her life.

Just $1.99 at Amazon.

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I am happy to announce the release of the mass paperback edition L’évadée from French publisher City Editions. How to describe the book? I’ll let the publisher do that…

Récemment diplômées, les étudiantes Zoé et Holli prennent la route pour Las Vegas afin de décompresser et de profiter de la vie. Mais les choses tournent mal. Les deux jeunes femmes sont enlevées par un psychopathe que la presse surnomme « le Numéroteur ». In extremis, Zoé parvient à s’évader. Mais pour elle la vie a changé et rien ne sera plus comme avant. Tourmentée par les remords d’avoir laissé son amie entre les mains du tueur, Zoé tente de retrouver des pans effacés de sa mémoire et d’obtenir que justice soit faite pour Holli. Quand elle apprend qu’un crime qui ressemble à son propre enlèvement vient d’être commis, elle décide de se lancher sur les traces de son bourreau. Mais « le Numéroteur » est lui aussi à l’affût de Zoé. Pour lui, ce n’est pas une survivante, mais simplement celle qui s’est échappée… pour un temps.

Terrifiant et machiavélique : un thriller insoutenable.

I do like the tagline they’ve given the book. So if you’re French or know someone, I hope you’ll check it out.

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November has quite a few bargain books for you to enjoy for my American, British, Australian & German friends.  Here they all are!!

PAYING THE PIPER: The Piper is the infamous child kidnapper. When the Piper selected crime reporter, Scott Fleetwood, to chronicle his latest kidnapping, Scott thought he had the world in his grasp, but he held nothing.  Now, eight years later, the Piper’s back, with very specific targets in mind—Scott’s children. He can have them back as long as he can pay the ransom, but it’s a ransom not measured in dollars, but in blood.

Just $1.99 at

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY: Zoë and Holli’s Vegas road trip goes wrong when they’re abducted. Zoë escapes leaving Holli behind. A year later and still tortured with guilt, Zoë latches on to a murder that eerily resembles her abduction. Her attempts to find justice for Holli brings her to the attention of the “Tally Man.” For him, she is not a survivor but simply the one that got away.

Just 99p at Amazon UK & $1.49 at Amazon Australia

RACHE IST BITTER: The Piper is the infamous child kidnapper. When the Piper selected crime reporter, Scott Fleetwood, to chronicle his latest kidnapping, Scott thought he had the world in his grasp, but he held nothing.  Now, eight years later, the Piper’s back, with very specific targets in mind—Scott’s children. He can have them back as long as he can pay the ransom, but it’s a ransom not measured in dollars, but in blood.

Just 2,99 Eur at Amazon DE

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Time pull back the sheet on the cover of my next book, SAVING GRACE.  I can’t say too much about the book other than it’s the follow-up to PAYING THE PIPER.  Scott Fleetwood and Tom Sheils are back.  The book will be in January.  You can preorder it already.

The story goes like this:

Former reporter Scott Fleetwood and his family are still recovering from the aftermath of tangling with the notorious kidnapper, the Piper, when another kidnapper grips the city. The Shepherd announces to the San Francisco Independent that he has snatched a young girl from a vacationing family. Other than money, he has only one other demand—he’ll only talk to Scott. The request brings in Special Agent Tom Sheils and his team to work the case and watch over Scott. The Shepherd promises the girl’s safety as long as Scott follows the rules of his game. Forced to trail the kidnapper’s twisting lead—and haunted by a previous victim he failed to save—Scott is desperate to keep the past from making a brutal comeback.

But just when Scott and Sheils think they’re winning and that it will all be over soon, the Shepherd ups the stakes. Scott begins to realize he’s a pawn in a scheme that runs deeper than greed…and colder than death.

I hope you’ll check it out.   🙂


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I’m happy to announce the release of LA PUTE, the French edition crime novelette, THE HOOKER.  It’s the first in the LES ACTES RÉPRÉHENSIBLES series of stories.  The storyline is as follows:

“Mark est heureux de célébrer la fin de son célibat avec un enterrement de vie de célibataire, son garçon d’honneur, Lance, ne l’est pas. Il insiste pour que Mark souligne l’événement en grandes pompes … en compagnie d’une prostituée. Le dernier baroud d’un célibataire avant qu’il ne soit condamné à une vie d’homme marié, mais tout prend une autre tournure quand la pute les escroque. Le monde de Mark s’effiloche et le côté sombre de sa personnalité, jusque-là insoupçonné, se manifeste.”

La série présente des histoires sans héros ou sans fins heureuses dans certains cas. Ces récits mettent en scène des personnages qui perdent de leur chemin et peuvent ne jamais le retrouver. Vous ne pourrez approuver leurs actions, mais peut-être pourrez-vous éprouver de la sympathie pour leurs âmes endommagées. Vous pourriez trouver ces histoires désagréables, c’est là le but recherché. Ne jugez pas. Personne n’est immunisé contre la perpétration d’un acte répréhensible.

L’idée à l’origine de la série ACTES RÉPRÉHENSIBLES a vu le jour suite à une situation dans laquelle je me trouve parfois quand des éditeurs croient que le ton ou le sujet d’une œuvre peut heurter la sensibilité des lecteurs. Un éditeur m’a déjà téléphoné pour me dire, «C’est un peu sinistre. Voulez-vous descendre d’un cran ?» Dans certains cas, je peux le faire, dans d’autres, non. On m’a demandé de laisser tomber quelques histoires de ma collection ASKING FOR TROUBLE à cause du ton employé. LA PUTE était une de ces histoires. Parfois, il vous faut aller là où l’histoire vous amène, dans toute sa gloire hideuse. Une histoire doit nous faire ressentir quelque chose — même si c’est de la répulsion ou de la désapprobation. Dans les mois et les années à venir, je planifie de vous offrir quelques nouvelles et histoires qui vous feront réagir. Je sais que ces histoires ne seront pas pour tout le monde, mais j’espère que certains d’entre vous m’accompagneront dans ces excursions à vau-l’eau, parce qu’en fin de compte, si cela peut arriver à d’autres, cela peut aussi nous arriver.

I hope you’ll give LA PUTE a try.

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Rache Ist Bitter, the German edition of Deceptive Practices, launches today!  The plot goes a little like this…

Über Nacht steht Olivias Leben plötzlich Kopf: Ihr Mann kam gewaltsam zu Tode und sie steht unter dringendem Tatverdacht. Sie wollte ihrem untreuen Ehemann nur einen Denkzettel verpassen lassen und hatte in ihrer Wut eine dubiose Firma beauftragt. Jetzt ist sie in einem Netz aus Erpressung und Mord gefangen.

Mit einem hartnäckigen Cop dicht auf den Fersen, bleibt Olivia nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie muss das Komplott aufdecken, wenn sie ihren Kopf rechtzeitig aus der Schlinge ziehen will. Oder ist es dafür schon zu spät?

This represents my fifth German book, so I’m very grateful to my editors and readers who’ve embraced the books.

I hope you’ll share the news with your German speaking friends…

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I can reveal the cover and the jacket copy for Rache Ist Bitter, the German edition of Deceptive Practices. The plot goes a little like this…

Über Nacht steht Olivias Leben plötzlich Kopf: Ihr Mann kam gewaltsam zu Tode und sie steht unter dringendem Tatverdacht. Sie wollte ihrem untreuen Ehemann nur einen Denkzettel verpassen lassen und hatte in ihrer Wut eine dubiose Firma beauftragt. Jetzt ist sie in einem Netz aus Erpressung und Mord gefangen.

Mit einem hartnäckigen Cop dicht auf den Fersen, bleibt Olivia nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie muss das Komplott aufdecken, wenn sie ihren Kopf rechtzeitig aus der Schlinge ziehen will. Oder ist es dafür schon zu spät?

The book launches august 15th. I hope you’ll share the news with your German speaking friends…

Categories: new book shelf life

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