Simon Wood


I’m the worst when it comes to creating characters names.  They all end up sounding the same, so I need some name for my bit players in my next book THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY, although for many of the characters I have in mind, you are unlikely to be the one getting away.  I have a number of positions open, many of which are complete scumbags.  So if you’re okay with that, please leave your name in the comments section of this post. 
I can’t guarantee I’ll use your name, but if your name fits one of the characters in the book, I’ll use it.  Also be aware that if I use your name you are not entitled to a royalty or any financial recompense and that you are giving up any and all image rights.  Sorry for getting all heavy there but I have to for legal reasons.
Feel free to share this post with friends.
And lastly, John and Jane Smiths need not apply.

25 Responses to “SHELF LIFE: CASTING CALL!!! Bit Players Wanted For THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY”

  1. Amy Marbach

    Ooh make me a scumbag 🙂

    Amy is a boring name though- so you could always use my middle name: Katherine- it’s a little more airy 🙂

  2. hharra

    Betsy, Moira, Myra, Ramona, Jeanette, Roxanne, Mazie, Irene, Sharon – no none of them are my name, but you can use them. Pretend you thought them up yourself.

  3. Dinah

    Dinah, I am in. Got a mean streak and being Bitchy is normal. Also love my name backwards Hanid. Thank ya Sir Simon.


    I’m Sean Dwyer. The first Dwyer I ever saw in print was a friend of Thomas Jordache in Rich Man, Poor Man. I would like to see more of us in print!

  5. M D Tolley

    I’d like to nominate Alan Pardew. He’d be perfect as a villain. Hes fearless, ruthless and certainly not afraid to take on anyone (referees assistants and opposition players especially). He always uses his head (particularly when errr trying to move someone out of the way!!!).
    With the results he’s had so far this year he’d have the whole of Tyneside rooting for him. He’d be the one that everyone in the North East would want to get away…

  6. Cy

    Hmmm…I thought I volunteered, Simon, but I can’t find the comment I made. Cy is, of course, a name for both genders.

  7. Rhonda Ray

    Well my name is boring so I’m out. However, if you really want some interesting names, I have over 6,000 names in my family-tree and believe me, a lot scumbags.

  8. Simon Wood

    Selections have been made for THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. He’s who made it into the book as a character:
    Joel Arnold
    Bonnie Moebeck
    Kristi L Thomas
    Jeff Hall
    Mick Tolley
    Brad Ellis
    Laurie Hernandez
    Rick Sobona
    Gregory Solis
    Karen Haldane
    Judy King
    Tom Fisher
    Seán Dwyer
    Dinah Ortiz
    Michaela Shannon-Sank
    Thom Futrell
    Craig Cook

    Thanks to everyone who tossed their name in the hat.


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