Simon Wood

SHELF LIFE: Meet Me In Monterey

This year’s Left Coast Crime convention is in lovely Monterey and starts next Thursday. I’m looking forward to it as it’s a time to see friends and have fun.

If you’re attending, this is where you’ll find me:

Friday 2:45 – 3:30
A Dark and Stormy Night: The Inspiration Behind Our Characters

Rochelle Staab (Moderator)
Lisa Brackmann
Sophie Littlefield
Lisa Lutz
Simon Wood
Saturday 10:15 – 11:00
Smile and Be a Villain: What Makes Villains Memorable

John Billheimer (Moderator)
Darrell James
J.J. Lamb
Con Lehane
Simon Wood
I’m also hosting a table at the Banquet on Saturday night, so if you’re going and you want to see me spill soup down myself, sign up to be on my table. If you’re not signed up yet, there’s still time.

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