I’m very happy to announce that Comet Press has picked up the paperback rights to my crime caper, THE FALL GUY. The ebook version has been doing really well, so I’m very pleased to see the book in print. It’s the story of Todd Collins. He’s failed in every job he’s ever undertaken, but that all changes when he backs his jalopy in a shiny, new Porsche belonging to a drug dealer. When the police stop the drug dealer for a broken taillight that Todd has caused and discover a cocaine shipment, a West Coast kingpin holds Todd responsible. On the run from organized crime, Todd discovers his true calling. Comet will be bringing the book out in November.
I owe a big thank you to author, Scott Nicholson, who urged me to stop sitting on the story and do something with it. 🙂
I hope I can sell the audio book rights now. It would be nice to listen along with Todd.