I’m quite lazy at heart. I’m driven, but I need a chauffeur. Since I need to set myself goals to ensure I finish things, I always make New Year’s resolutions. So here are my 2014 New Year’s resolutions.
Reso #1
To enjoy life a bit. Last year was pretty successful: my books sold well, Julie landed a great job, and we bought a nice house, but we hit a bunch of stumbling blocks that pushed us to our limits at times. This year I hope to have a little fun along the way. J
To enjoy life a bit. Last year was pretty successful: my books sold well, Julie landed a great job, and we bought a nice house, but we hit a bunch of stumbling blocks that pushed us to our limits at times. This year I hope to have a little fun along the way. J
Reso #2
I still want to finish a 100k bike ride in 3hrs or less. It’s the same resolution as last year…and is likely to be one that sticks around for a few years to come. J
I still want to finish a 100k bike ride in 3hrs or less. It’s the same resolution as last year…and is likely to be one that sticks around for a few years to come. J
Reso #3
Be healthy. I’m still managing my health since my bike accident two years ago. 2014 is the year I get myself right…and accept the things that will always be wrong.
Be healthy. I’m still managing my health since my bike accident two years ago. 2014 is the year I get myself right…and accept the things that will always be wrong.
Reso #4
To get back to my short story writing. Didn’t write one last year and that’s not right.
To get back to my short story writing. Didn’t write one last year and that’s not right.
Reso #5
Have a vacation. It’s been a while…
Have a vacation. It’s been a while…
2014 is going to be a busy one with a lot of hard work, but I hope to have some fun at the same time. And what resolutions do you have on your list?
Happy New Year and I wish you all the best.
Categories: hump day post