I had a nice blast from the past last week in the mail from THE FIRST LINE. It’s a magazine that published several of my first stories. The editor and publisher published my short story collection, WORKING STIFFS. I will always be in their debt because they are one of the people that got me to where I am today.
The package I received in the mail is their latest issue, which is a “Best Of” issue because they’re celebrating their 20yr of publication. The magazine has a unique theme. Each issue has a set “first line” and every story has to begin with that line. After that, wherever the story goes is free game. I forgot that I came up with one of their first lines for a past issue & one of the stories that used my line made their best of issue. David, the editor, wrote a great introduction to the story which I’ve posted below.

I really encourage you to support the magazine. They did me a great turn on multiple occasions and I know they’ve done it for others. So please up a copy.