A couple of weeks ago I was challenged by a couple of chums to name ten books that have stayed with me ever since reading them. For me, this is somewhat of an easy task to name nine of them, but there was real dogfight with myself over took the tenth spot, but I named one, although if you twisted my arm I’d change my mind. However, these ten represent books that either blew me away, fired my imagination, impressed me or flat out entertained me.
1. THE LONG GOODBYE by Raymond Chandler
2. STRAIGHT MAN by Richard Russo
3. LOVE ON A BRANCH LINE by John Hadfield
4. A CLUBBABLE WOMAN by Reginald Hill
5. STIG OF THE DUMP by Clive King
6. THE FOG by James Herbert
7. I AM LEGEND by Richard Matheson
8. BLACK EVENING by David Morrell
9. A SIMPLE PLAN by Scott Smith
10. THE MAGIC PORRIDGE POT by Vera Southgate
Now, this is my ten, but what would make yours?