Simon Wood

Charity Ride–Please Read

Last year, my wife suffered a cancer scare that resulted a benign tumor being removed. In her honor, I’m riding in a 100-mile bike ride to raise money for two cancer clinics. I’ve raised over a $1100 so far.

In addition to the bike ride, anyone who purchases the ebook version of my thriller PAYING THE PIPER from Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords during the weekend of May 14-15 and I’ll donate royalties to the cancer clinics. My wife and I chose this book because it’s her favorite and it’s one we think people enjoy.

Alternatively, people are welcome to sponsor me, you can make a donation to the charity here.

Please feel free to forward this to others, I’m hoping to have to write a big check. 🙂

One Response to “Charity Ride–Please Read”

  1. Simon Wood

    My fundraising results are in. 209 copies of PAYING THE PIPER were downloaded. That equated to $277.92 in royalties, which I paid to the charity this morning. My fundraising total is now $1563. Thanks goes to all the people who downloaded the book or helped get the word out.


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