Simon Wood

Book of the Month: Asking For Trouble

The month has come to an end, so this is the last post for my June BOOK OF THE MONTH selection, ASKING FOR TROUBLE. It’s been a good month for the book. It’s currently the #1 mystery anthology at Amazon.

I love short stories to read and write. Readers don’t always appreciate them, but I think there’s something explosive about a good short story. There can be such an intensity that short stories can burn far brighter than novel, because the themes and subtext are in sharp focus. For me, authors who really know how to nail a short story are Neil Gaiman, Arthur Conan Doyle, David Morrell, Lawrence Block, Jeffery Deaver and Roald Dahl.

I’ll always be a fan and I’ll continue to write them and I hope my talking about my shorts (as it were) has made you a fan too. For sticking around, please enjoy a couple of stories from the collection:

The Taskmasters

Making Ends Meet

I’m really pleased with the response to ASKING FOR TROUBLE. It won’t stop me from writing more short stories. I’m already outlining the stories that’ll appear in my next collection. I’m very excited by the stories I’m planning. Expect ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, GUN next year. I think you’ll like it. :-}

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